Nintendo Switch Game coupons expire soon, but I wish they would come back

It seems like an eternity ago, but last summer Nintendo offered a nice and too brief game coupon program for Nintendo Switch Online members. Subscribers can purchase a couple of coupons for $ 100 USD and redeem them for select games released by Nintendo on Switch Eshop, saving up to $ 20 off their regular combo price, a fair amount of change considering how rarely Nintendo drops the price of their Titles, particularly digital versions, that rarely go on sale, even when their physical counterparts are discounted at other retailers.

Of course, if you only bought one set of coupons, then the show was a disaster, as your savings would equal the cost of a Switch Online subscription (and you could often find physical copies of some of the eligible titles at an even bigger discount at Amazon or other retailer). However, if you were already subscribed, it was a tempting advantage, especially if you preferred to buy games digitally. Also, you weren’t required to use both coupons right away, so you could save them for upcoming titles and get the latest Nintendo releases effectively for $ 10 off.

Unfortunately, the coupon program was short-lived. The last day you were able to purchase coupons was July 31, 2019, just over two months after the promotion started. Any voucher that you have purchased will also only be valid for one year from the date of purchase, which means that if you bought some last July and have saved them since, as I have done, you only have a few days left to redeem them before they expire.

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Paper Mario: The Origami King Video Review

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And it’s a shame because the Switch coupon program, brief as it was, was a huge benefit and the kind of incentive Nintendo should offer more frequently to attract additional subscribers. Although Nintendo Switch Online is significantly cheaper than PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold, it is still comparatively scarce alongside the Sony and Microsoft offerings. Arguably, the biggest attraction of the service is being able to play classic SNES and NES games on Switch, and these arrive sporadically. Benefits like the voucher program really paid off, reinforcing the value of the service and helping to differentiate it from its rivals.

It was also a surprisingly generous program. Considering how reluctant Nintendo tends to put its games up for sale, being able to save on major Switch titles, including new releases like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the newly released Paper Mario: The Origami King, was wonderful, and I’m I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who racked up multiple coupons to use in any surprise games Nintendo had on the way for the system.

It’s disappointing that the coupon program officially ends on July 31, and I hope Nintendo dusts it again. Although we may not know what else awaits Switch this year, aside from the Crown Tundra expansion of Pokemon Sword and Shield and Bravely Default II, neither of which have firm release dates, Nintendo has yet to announce any other games. by 2020 – It would be nice if Switch Online members could stock up on more coupons for when new titles (like Mario’s remastered ones) inevitably arrive. Ah well, at least we can finally play Donkey Kong Country on the system.