Nintendo says directions are ‘incredibly effective’, but may not be forever

Nintendo Direct, KoizumiNintendo

Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa said the company still believes that direct presentations are an “incredibly effective” way to share new information, despite the fact that almost ten months have passed since the last major presentation.

That last show came in September 2019, with all the other performances either as ‘Mini’ Directs or focusing on individual games. Of course, the current pandemic will have contributed to the gap between shows: Chances are good that a presentation would have been broadcast during E3 if the event hadn’t been canceled, and it might be considered reckless to promise new game releases when global events occur. so uncertain

Furukawa’s words come from a new Japanese Q + A in which the president highlighted the success of the direct format, but also commented on future communications. He says that as times change, Directs may be scrapping in favor of ‘better’ methods (thanks to VGC for translation):

“We believe that Nintendo Directs is an incredibly effective way of presenting information directly to our customers in a very direct way. Conversely, times are changing and so is the most effective way of promoting products, so there is a chance that a new one and the better way to present this information comes up. So we always like to examine every possible way to communicate this information to customers. “

In the same Q + A, Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi provided an updated commentary on the company’s position in terms of coronavirus-induced gaming delays. Fortunately, games planned for the near future will not be affected, despite slight concerns in the future.

Can you think of a better format to reveal games than the current Nintendo Direct setup? How would you like to see Nintendo handle new ads in the future? Share your thoughts with us below.
