Nintendo Leak provides evidence of Big Ocarina of Time and Majora’s mask design changes

Nintendo’s big breakout has already given us enlightening new looks at the possibility of Luigi in Mario 64, a Pokemon MMO planned for Game Boy Advance, and a terrifying alternate look for some of Nintendo’s most recognizable characters. More information continues to pop up from the massive asset dumpster, which today offers new insights into The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.

The two Nintendo 64 adventure games are still some of the most revered in the franchise, but the leak, compiled by Switcher, seems to suggest that Majora’s Mask might not have started out as the direct follow-up that it ended up being. Instead, the assets suggest that additional content might have been added to Ocarina of Time to help market the Nintendo 64DD, a disk-based hardware expansion that never left Japan after being discontinued a year after launch.

Other resources point to a boss rush mode in Ocarina of Time that was never used, which would have reduced the size of the dungeons to a maximum of four rooms and would channel it towards each of the most challenging enemies in the main story. The mode was finally added to the Nintendo 3DS version of the game.

The latest interesting find relates to a crucial design change for Majora’s Mask, where the Groundhog Day adventure was originally created with a one-week time limit instead of its three-day cycle. Legend of Zelda director Eiji Aonuma previously revealed this in an old installment of Iwata Asks, where he explained that the entire week forced players to remember too many NPC habits during each cycle.

“In this game, the townspeople do different things every day and many different things happen, but when the time interval turns into a week, it is too much to remember,” Aonuma continued. “You can’t just remember who is doing what and what day.”

Considering that Majora’s Mask was created in a year, it was probably the best option as well. Surely there will be more to find in the Nintendo leak, but so far, it has offered some fascinating titbits for decades-long projects.

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Playing now: The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D – Review

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