“Nintendo is not the smartest”: Patcher says Nintendo should switch to scrapbook and ‘only have switch light’

Switch light vs. switchટે Nintendo Life

If you were to ask someone to explain the benefits of having a Nintendo Switch, we would argue that the console’s ability to ‘switch’ between a handheld and a play game would be the most demonstrative. It’s all about selling the whole system, and having such a versatile console might just be a good thing, right?

Wrong – well, according to Michael Pechter of Wadbush Securities, anyway. Yes, one of the highest profile analysts in the gaming industry has said that Nintendo should completely scrap the original version of the switch instead of focusing only on handheld-only switch lights.

In an interview with GamingBolt, Patcher said, “I don’t really understand the whole hybrid concept … I don’t think most people play in both modes, I would say maybe 20% of switch owners play both modes; and I think Most switch owners only play it handheld. So I honestly don’t understand the whole point of hybridization. Who cares? Play it as a handheld. “

Things get a little more interesting:

“And Nintendo isn’t that smart,” he goes on to say, “so you never know what they’ll do next, but I think the smart thing would be to get rid of the switch console and just have the switch light, get rid of it.” Get rid of playing on TV; maybe offer a fire stick style dongle for those who don’t want to play it on TV. “

So, should Nintendo get rid of the console that breaks sales, left and right and center records and releases the Fire Stick instead? Hmm.

We’ll see what you think in the comments.
