New York Times will no longer appear on Apple News

The New York Times announced Monday that its relationship with Apple News has ended.

Times articles will no longer appear in Apple’s news feed available on company devices.

In a memo announcing the change, Times chief operating officer Meredith Kopit Levien said the Apple partnership has failed to attract more readers.

“The core of a healthy model between The Times and the platforms is a direct path to send those readers back to our environments, where we control the presentation of our report, the relationships with our readers and the nature of our business rules,” wrote. .

“Our relationship with Apple News does not fit these parameters.”

An Apple spokesman ignored the Times’ decision, saying the outlet only offered “a few stories per day.”

“We are committed to providing the more than 125 million people who use Apple News with the most reliable information and will continue to do so through our collaboration with thousands of publishers,” Apple said in a statement to The Hill, listing the major outlets including The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

Apple launched its news platform in 2015, offering a new way for outlets to work with Silicon Valley that did not involve competing for advertising revenue.

Last year, it introduced Apple News Plus, an in-app subscription service that offers access to platforms with payments for $ 9.99 per month.

While various media outlets joined that service, the Times did not.
