New theory on the origin of dark matter

New theory on the origin of dark matter

When parts of the work were completed by hand, made possible by a series of favorable estimates, the results for the study were validated by sophisticated computational calculations. Credit: Michael Baker

A recent study from the University of Melbourne has proposed a new theory for the origin of dark matter, which has helped experimenters in Australia and abroad in discovering a mysterious new thing.

The work has been published Physical Review Letters And describes how expanding bubbles in the early universe is the key to understanding dark matter.

“Our proposed method suggests that the abundance of dark matter may have been determined in the transition to the cosmological phase,” said Dr. One, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Melbourne and one of the authors. Said Michael Baker.

“At this stage the transition is expected to take place in the early universe and may be similar to gas bubbles forming in boiling water. We show that it is natural to expect black matter particles to be very difficult to enter these bubbles. Explanation. “

Although many experiments have discovered a microscopic dark matter, no one has been successful. Most experiments are primarily looking for weakly interacting mass particles that have been the preferred candidate for dark matter for decades. However, these experiments have not yet seen anything, which inspires theorists to really think outside the box.

“We know Dark Matter is out, but we don’t know much else,” said Dr. Baker. “If it’s a new particle, there’s a good chance we can actually find it in a lab. Then we can pinpoint its properties, its mass and its interactions, and learn something new and learn about the universe.”

Rice, which was done in collaboration with Andrew Long, an assistant professor at Rice University in Texas, and Joachim Kopp, a professor at CERN and the University of Mainz, paves the way for a new experimental strategy for the discovery of dark matter.

“One of the exciting aspects of this idea is that it works for dark matter particles that are heavier than most other candidates, such as larger particles than the famous weakly interacting ones on which most experimental research has focused in the past.” Says Professor Cop. “Our work, therefore, promotes the expansion of Dark Matter discovery towards the masses.”

These findings may be particularly important for the future of the discovery of experimental dark matter in Australia.

The Stevewell Underground Physics Laboratory, currently under construction in a gold-mining mine one kilometer below the ground in regional Victoria, will be the first underground particle physics laboratory in the Southern Hemisphere, and will conduct many dark object exploration experiments over the years. To come.

The new theoretical proposals will help run design experiments that can test a wide range of dark matter candidates, giving scientists the best opportunity to unravel the mystery of dark matter.

New theory on the origin of dark matter

More info:
Michael J. Baker et al. Dark matter, filtered on first order phase transition, Physical Review Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1103 / Physivalet.1.11.151102

Provided by the University of Melbourne

Testimonial: New Theory on the Origin of Dark Matter (October 2020, 19) October 19, 2020 Theory- Dark.html.

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