The X-Men debuted at Marvel Comics in the 1960s. Then, starting in 2000, Fox released the team to the movies. Now fans are speculating how the Marvel Cinematic Universe will integrate the X-Men. The latest rumor, for example, teases how the MCU will introduce one of the original mutants.

Rumors abound about the future of the MCU X-Men
Once Disney completed its acquisition of Fox, fans knew that Marvel characters who previously belonged to Fox, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool, were heading to the MCU. But Marvel Studios has been remarkably quiet about how it plans to bring in the heroes.
In the absence of official announcements, the Internet has gone wild with rumors and speculation. For the most part, fans agree that the MCU X-Men is likely headed for a full reboot. But there is always a chance that some key characters, like Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool, will survive the transition intact.
One of the most popular notions seems to be that the MCU will introduce its key X-Men characters little by little. So, only later, these heroes will team up to form the team of superheroes that fans know and love. And the latest rumor is definitely in line with that approach.
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Latest report backs 1 long-standing X-Men theory
YouTube channel Everything Always quotes Mikey Sutton as reporting the rumor that the original X-Men character Hank McCoy, also known as the Beast, is targeting the MCU. The character, previously played by Kelsey Grammer and Nicholas Hoult, will make his debut in the unannounced SWORD Disney + series.
In Marvel Comics, SWORD is the cosmic equivalent of Earth-bound SHIELD, which focuses on intergalactic threats. The post-credit scene of Spider-Man: away from home sparked the appearance of SWORD, just like the last season of ABC Protection agents
The untitled SWORD show will serve as an entry point for many other Marvel characters. As for Beast, the character has been romantically linked to Abigail Brand, the SWORD commander in many stories. So its inclusion here makes a lot of sense, as long as this rumor is true.
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Phase 5 could depend entirely on the introduction of the Marvel mutants
With all we’ve been hearing, it seems like Phase 5 could entirely depend on the introduction of the X-Men. SWORD appears to be destined to be part of the upcoming MCU plans. After all, the organization has yet to appear on the screen. So bringing Beast this way could be in progress.
Since giving each of the core X-Men their own solo movies is impractical, Marvel will likely aim to provide at least an individual introduction for the mutants. For Beast, it could be through SWORD. Meanwhile, Storm might appear first in Black Panther II, as rumors have been mocked.
In any case, these are all rumors at the moment. But fans shouldn’t be surprised to meet their favorite mutant heroes one-by-one over the course of Phase 5. Perhaps that set of movies will even culminate in a Avengers-style X Men team movie