New Ohio Coronavirus Cases Reach Nearly 1,000: Update Friday

COLUMBUS, Ohio – To date, at least 48,638 people have had confirmed or probable coronavirus, according to the Ohio Department of Health on Friday, 987 more than a day earlier.

It is the biggest jump in cases since the heavy prison tests in mid-April. It also indicates that an increase first noticed 10 days ago continues.

New cases in the last 21 days averaged 518, but increases over the past three days have been 987, 892, and 632.

The Ohio case number includes at least 2,788 confirmed or probable deaths, 16 more than Wednesday’s state report. The average of new deaths is 21 in the last 21 days.

The figures to consider are hospitalizations and admissions to the intensive care unit, which indicate serious cases, some of which can lead to death. Ohio is testing more people, but Ohio doctors, as well as Gov. Mike DeWine, say the increase cannot be blamed on the increased testing alone.

Hospitalizations increased 68 between Thursday and Friday, and an increase over the 21-day average from 56.

Admissions to the ICU, on the other hand, are 7, below the 21-day average of 13.

To date, 718,086 tests have been performed. That’s a 21,886 test increase, and the largest daily test increase since the outbreak settled in the state.

About the data

The increase in cases and deaths does not necessarily mean that all occurred in the last 24 hours. There is a certain delay between the time they occur and when local entities notify the state.

The Ohio Department of Health also provides data on the date of disease onset, which is independent of the new number of cases.

Main dates of cases

The highest dates of new cases reported by the Department of Health are the following:

  • April 18, when there were 10,222 cases, an increase of 1,115 cases
  • April 19, with 11,602 cases, an increase of 1,380
  • April 20, with 12,919 cases, an increase of 1,317

That was during the testing of Ohio inmates and prison staff. Since then, the number has not reached 1,000.

However, in recent days, the number of new cases has been increasing, although it has not yet reached 1,000.

  • June 18, with 43,122 cases, up to 700
  • June 19 with 43,731 cases, up to 609
  • Saturday with 44,262, 531 more
  • Sunday, with 44,808, 546 more
  • Monday, with 45,537, up to 729
  • Tuesday, with 46,127, 590 more
  • Wednesday, with 46,759, up to 632
  • Thursday, with 47,651, up to 892
  • Friday, with 48,638, up to 987

Outside of Ohio

Worldwide, there have been at least 9.6 million cases of COVID-19 and nearly half a million deaths, according to the John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.

In the United States, there have been at least 2.4 million cases and at least 124,000 deaths.

Rich Exner from Plain Dealer contributed to this report.

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