New Mexico will begin vaccinating at care facilities

“Sunday is a memorable day in our fight against this deadly epidemic. It is a step towards protecting our seniors and securing their safety, “said Katrina Hotrum-Lopez, Cabinet Secretary, Department of Aging and Long-Term Services.

The statement noted that vaccinators will need several doses from the same manufacturer which will be administered except for a few weeks. Pharmacies will send employees to the facility for three months next month for vaccine administration.

Dr. Tracy Collins, Cabinet Secretary of Health, said people who are vaccinated can still carry and infect COVID-19, so it is important that they continue to wear masks and other things like hand washing and removal Be careful.

State officials said the first round of 31,000 doses will eventually be given over the next four weeks at long-term care facilities.

As of Saturday, the state said 3,591 residents at long-term care centers had contracted COVID, and 638 had died.

“It’s so important that we continue to wear masks, avoid group gatherings and follow the state’s public health orders. The consequences of not doing so are dangerous for our seniors,” Hotram-Lopez said. Hotrum-Lopez said.

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