New epidemic stay-at-home order to close NC businesses at 10pm ::

– Government Roy Roy Cooper on Tuesday issued a new stay-at-home order to limit the spread of coronavirus, ordering most businesses to close at 10pm every night, starting Friday.

“We must act now to save lives, maintain the capacity of the hospital and keep our economy safe,” Cooper told a news conference in the afternoon.

To order all rest restaurants rent, bars, personal care businesses and most retailers will need to close between 10pm and 5am, liquor sales for on-site consumption must end at 9pm.

The governor said the stay-at-home order “just means – people are going to stay home during those hours,” the governor said.

Tracking of NC coronavirus cases by county

North Carolina reported a total of 400,000 coronavirus cases during the epidemic on Tuesday, while another 4,670 infections were reported. The average number of new cases in the past week of 5,234 days is the highest ever.

There are also daily average registrations of virus-related deaths and hospitalizations, with 46 deaths per day and 2,182 people being treated in hospitals for COVID-19. Tuesday was the 12th straight day when North Carolina raised a new high for 2,373 people admitted to the virus hospital.

A color-coded map of North Carolina to show viral hotspots in the state now shows 48 out of 100 counties in the red zone, with a serious outbreak of the virus, just two weeks ago 20. Another 34 are considered orange, with significant viral outbreaks.

COVID-19 County Alert System

Most of the triangle is in the orange zone, while the red zone is Johnston and Hornet counties. With a significant spread, Orange County is still one of 18 counties in the lowest-ranked yellow zone.

Over the weekend, the number of new daily cases counted more than 20,000,000 in two consecutive days, and Cooper tweeted, “We’re investigating what action may be needed to save North Carolinas … Our actions now are life or death. Is. “

Right now, businesses are operating at low capacity and indoor gatherings are limited to 10, even in other states like California, restaurants are required to close dining rooms completely.

The prospect of new bans in North Carolina worries restaurant owners, such as David Harris, who said the new bans would be a blow to the industry.

“[I] Hopefully they won’t, [I] I don’t know if it won’t help much, it’ll just prolong this, “said Harris, who owns Semina’s tape and grill.” We are all trying to stay alive. I have staff here that you need to pay the bills, buy groceries.

“I urge every North Carolina to take personal responsibility for their actions and to slow down the spread of the virus. Always wear a mask when you don’t,” said Dr. Mandy Cohen, North Carolina’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, urging people to wear masks. Don’t live, keep your distance from others and wash your hands frequently. “
