Yesterday, CDPR released another episode of Night City, this time focusing on two different aspects of Cyberpunk 2077, lifepaths and weapons.
This resulted in two new trailers that are almost 100% new recordings that we have not seen before, and both contain probably the most impressive game I have seen from the game so far, and are much more interesting than it “Analyze the Crime Scene” passage we saw in the last episode of Night City.
The first trailer is about Lifepaths, as actually the background of your version of V. But unlike say, Mass Effect, where your back story is tucked into a few lines of dialogue, this seems to change your game drastically, at least the introduction.
The three choices in the trailer are:
Street Kid – Kind of the most anticipated version of this story, growing up on the streets, getting up via tires, etc.
Nomad Kind of a futuristic hillbilly biker gang that has echoes of Mad Max, but your path will take you the same to Night City.
Corpo – You start embedding deep in the business structure of the city, but apparently as a lackey, rather than as a boss. Another emerging story, but comes from a wildly different starting position.
I have no idea if this is the heule game, but the impression I have is that the introduction will be a lot different before you fall into the main “V” story that all three paths are likely to share. Although I wouldn’t be surprised to see every story, given your various tweaks and side missions based on characters from your old life. This reflects what CDPR has said about Cyberpunk, that it may be shorter than The Witcher 3 in general, but it should also be more replayable.
The second trailer is just a lot of deep cool weapons, regular guns, power guns, smart guns with homing bullets, melee guns and Deus Ex-like augments to your actual guns, including the famous Mantis Blades that have been a signature of this series since its inception.
All of this looks great, and again, is probably the best recordings I have even seen from the game. And it leads me to the same question: will Cyberpunk 2077 really make its November release date? It has been delayed several times already, but this seems like just such a massive, sprawling game that it would be difficult to finish even on a deadline out of the added complications of COVID. But with three months to go, we have yet to hear anything about further delays, so we might be able to lock in November 19 as the actual final date, as it seems to be pretty much a PS5 / Xbox Series X launch title. But I think it’s too early to say with 100% certainty that this game will come out this year. Fool me twice, and all that. But I can not wait.
Follow me on Twitter, YouTube en Instagram. Picking up my sci-fi novels Herokiller en Herokiller 2, and read my first series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook.