Netflix Just Released Its Best UI Customization Feature To Date

If you’re like the average Netflix subscriber, chances are you’ve started watching a random show or movie, only to realize that you really don’t want to watch it. You quit the program and continue browsing, but there is a problem: every time you start the application, that hardly seen and unwanted program reappears in the ‘Continue watching’ row, where you are forced to ignore it in favor of the content you really need to worry about. . That, finally, has changed.

The ‘Continue Watching’ row on the Netflix interface is, of course, the content bar that features the shows and movies you’ve seen parts of but haven’t finished yet. The row itself is useful – you’ll use it to quickly locate the content you’ve been viewing, making it easy to get back into action.

The problem, of course, is that you can’t delete the content you intend to keep ignoring … until now, of course. Users have noticed that Netflix now offers the ability to manually remove content from the ‘Continue Viewing’ row, giving users more control over the content they see in their custom accounts.

When you click on a show or movie in the ‘Continue watching’ row, you can scroll down through the options (such as Play, Episodes, etc.) and you will find a new menu item called ‘Remove from row’. Click on that list and it will purge the content of your ‘Continue Viewing’ section forever, freeing up space for other content you really want to finish.

The feature is now available on Netflix mobile apps, so many users are likely learning it. As with any new feature, the option may take a little longer to reach your own personal account, so be patient if you don’t see it on mobile yet.