Net Silver: Without winning Pennsylvania, ‘Biden becomes an underdog’

Nate Sliver, founder of, said over the weekend that the Democratic presidential candidate JB BidenJ. Bidenbiden Leads Trump in Texas Voter Poll Only Left-leaning Polster on the Trail: Understanding Super Poll Sunday He will become an ‘underdog’ if he does not win 20 Pennsylvania voters on Tuesday.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Silver said the presidential race would come to Keystone State.

“Pennsylvania has not been able to get the like- or or-point biden lead we need in Michigan and Wisconsin.” “It’s not a big state to vote early, so there aren’t many polls in Pennsylvania yet.”

“Maybe a lot of things go up and Biden loses to Pennsylvania by half a point, and then he doesn’t quite pull off Arizona or North Carolina. He has other options,” Silver continued. “But still, without Pennsylvania, then Biden becomes an underdog.”

Ates in Mission T. Compared to a five percent and .6..6 percent lead in Wisconsin, the former vice president shows up with an 8.8 percent lead over Trump in Pennsylvania, which collects poll data, showing five thirty-eight.

In the realClearPolitics Index of the state’s largest polls en. Biden has a lead on points.

Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by less than a percentage point.

This year, both Trump and Biden have visited Pennsylvania more than any other state during the 2020 campaign, with the president holding four rallies on Saturday.

Trump lost the popular vote to the Democratic nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham Clinton on the Trail: Super Pole Sunday Trump’s Trade Policies Despite Squeezing Farm Vote, Trump Holds Five Rallies in Five States in Pre-Election Sprint By nearly 30 million votes but the Electoral College, won by 304 to 227 votes.

Silver’s prediction gives Biden an 89 percent chance of winning the presidency.
