NDDOH official says private gatherings have been the biggest distributor of COVID-19

Fargo, ND (Valley News Live) – KVWID-19 is spread across the country and locally. Active case counts continue to reach record accents on a daily basis in North Dakota. While diseases and restaurants are largely to blame for the spread of the disease across the country, health officials in Cass County say the reason for the widespread spread could be closer to home.

“Really the biggest spreading event is this social gathering. Weddings, funerals, birthday parties, these kinds of things. “Health field epidemiologist Brenton Nassimier’s department said.” People just … don’t take personal responsibility and attend these big gatherings when they are not really being counseled. “

Recently, bars, restaurants and other businesses in Fargo have experienced an additional impact of the case. A mask command is now in place and restaurants are encouraged to keep only 25% capacity. But the biggest spreader of this disease may, in fact, be a place where no guidelines are laid down. These events are difficult to regulate because there are no masks and social distance guides in the private setting.

In his press conference on the COVID-19 epidemic in North Dakota, Governor Doug Bergham also highlighted the need for caution when it comes to private gatherings.

“With the level of positivity we have, in North Dakota it’s likely that someone in the crowd is contagious and he doesn’t know and the asymmetry that’s happening is really quite quite high.” Bergum spoke. “People need to be thoughtful about the size of all gatherings. They are attending whether they are with family or in public.”

Public health officials are telling everyone to be careful as you host and gather events.

“If you want to host a fair or host a group of friends. Keep it small, keep it close. Nassimier also advises that “keep it close with a small group of friends. Encourage wearing a mask when you are together. “

Nassimier also said that it is easy to spread the word in these private gatherings, saying that “you get one or two cases that participate in large social gatherings and it spreads like wildfire from there.”

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