Nancy Pelosi says Trump will be ‘FUMIGATED’ outside the White House if he refuses to accept defeat

It will go! Nancy Pelosi says Donald Trump will be ‘FUMIGATED’ outside the White House if he refuses to accept defeat after he suggested that the elections could be ‘rigged’ and that he ‘would have to see’ what he will do if he loses

  • Pelosi said Trump “will leave” whether he “knows it or not”
  • She said there is a “process” that has “nothing to do with a certain occupant of the White House.”
  • She said it has nothing to do with whether a ‘certain person’ doesn’t ‘feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there.’
  • Joe Biden’s campaign said the United States government is “perfectly capable of escorting intruders outside the White House.”
  • Trump predicted that ‘mail voting will manipulate elections’
  • He declined to say he would accept the results, adding: “I have to see.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi revealed little concern about President Trump leaving the White House if he loses at the polls, saying he would be ‘fumigated’ if he refuses to leave.

He made the comment to MSNBC the day after Trump declined to tell Fox host Chris Wallace that he would accept the results of the November election.

“The fact is, whether he knows it or not, he will leave,” Pelosi told MSNBC Monday morning, sounding nonchalant even as other Democrats worry about what could happen if Trump refuses to accept the election results.

PEST CONTROL: Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said Donald Trump left indifferent that Donald Trump did not accept the election results, even if he did not

PEST CONTROL: Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump left indifferent that Donald Trump did not accept the election results, even if he does not “feel like moving and has to be fumigated.”

“Just because you don’t want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an opening ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States,” he said.

Pelosi noted that she is second in line to the presidency after Vice President Mike Pence.

‘Last week I had my regular continuation of the government briefing. This may interest you because I tell you, “This is never going to happen. God willing, it never will,” Pelosi told interviewer Mika Brzezinski.

‘But there is a process. It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House who does not feel like moving and has to be fumigated there because the presidency is the presidency. It is not geography or location.

President Trump declined to say he would accept the results and told Chris Wallace of Fox News:

President Trump declined to say he would accept the results and told Fox News’s Chris Wallace: “I have to see.”

“The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting intruders outside the White House,” the Joe Biden campaign said in response to Trump’s comments.

Hillary Clinton criticized Trump for not saying in advance that he would accept the election results, and then mentioned Russian electoral interference after Trump won the election.

Hillary Clinton criticized Trump for not saying in advance that he would accept the election results, and then mentioned Russian electoral interference after Trump won the election.

Pelosi's statement on whether Trump should be 'fumigated' outside the White House comes after police used tear gas against protesters across the country this year, including in front of the White House.

Pelosi’s statement on whether Trump should be ‘fumigated’ outside the White House comes after police used tear gas against protesters across the country this year, including in front of the White House.

Trump made his comments in an interview with Fox's Chris Wallace

Trump made his comments in an interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace

So much for him. I wouldn’t spend that much time on it. It is a victory for him because we are not talking about his first most important issue, which is what we are going to do to stop this vicious virus that is attacking our health, our lives, our livelihood and our life. of our democracy.

Trump, in his interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace, declined to say definitively that he would accept the election results, as he also said before Election Day 2016.

‘It depends. I think voting by mail is going to manipulate elections. I really do, ‘Trump said.

“Are you suggesting that you may not accept the election results?” Wallace asked him?

‘Not. I have to see, ‘Trump replied.

Pelosi’s response was similar to that adopted by rival Joe Biden’s campaign.

‘The American people will decide these elections. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting intruders outside the White House, ‘said Biden spokesman Andrew Bates.
