Multiple Notre Dame Players Out Saturday vs USF

Notre Dame will sail with South Florida on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. ET. The game will be broadcast on the USA network due to the third round of the US Open on NBC. Fighting will lead the season 2-0 with a win over the Irish Bulls. The 2011 season opener U.S.F. This is the second meeting between the programs, beating Notre Dame 23-20. Irish Illustrated has learned that Notre Dame will have to do without multiple players, as the university has announced some names that will miss today’s matchup.

The big name not to play for Notre Dame on Saturday is the expected name due to vague security Kyle Hamilton Will be out. The elite talent injured in the leg over the Duke victory is being rested for precautionary reasons and will be able to play if necessary. Also, as noted by the head coach earlier this week Brian Kelly, Receiver Ben Squareneck The game is expected to be missed due to a hamstring injury.

Some new names were officially released by Notre Dame on Saturday.

The biggest condition to watch will be the linebacker, as we’ve learned that there are two possible starts on the buck linebacker this week, Shine Simon And Merist Liufau, Both are out for Saturday’s matchup with South Florida. It will be interesting to see what the defensive coordinator and linebackers coach Clark Lee Today it does on the status quo.

Backup quarterback Brendan Clark The game will be missed. Freshman quarterback Drew Payne Will serve as No. 2 behind the quarterback Ian Book.

Jahmir Smith Not playing South Florida. He is one of four backs competing for the back time to start back Kieran Williams. Look for more representatives from the group that is included Chris Tyree, Jafar Armstrong And C’bo Flmister.

Receiver Lawrence Keys III This week is out. The key recipient was the backup to start Avery Davis, Who has a touchdown vs. a week.

We can see a truly fresh starter on Cornback today Clarence Lewis, As we have learned that starting Cornebak Tariq Brassi Today’s contest will be missed. Brassie made a season-opener debut against Duke, but Lewis was trying to seal this season for his starting job as a star.

Defensive end Ovi Oghofo Will still be out today. With great depth of depth on that position and emergence Isaiah Foski, Who sacked against the Duke last weekend, Fighting Irish would be more than fine today in that position.

Stay tuned to Irish Illustrated for more on today’s Notre Dame vs South Florida game.