Mouthwash can kill COVID-19 in 30 seconds: study | News

A study from Cardiff University found that a mouthwash containing 0.07% cetypyridinium chloride can fight coronavirus.

A counter mouthwash can kill the coronavirus within 30 seconds of exposure, a study has found.

Scientists at Cardiff University found a mouthwash that contained at least 0.07 percent centipyridinium chloride (CPC) that showed “promising signs” of reducing virus transmission.

Their initial report, which is yet to be peer-reviewed, supports a study published last week that found that mouthwash contains CPC, which helps reduce the viral load of people infected with the coronavirus.

A clinical trial of patients at Cardiff University Hospital Spital at Wales is coming forward to find that mouthwash can reduce coronavirus in a patient’s saliva. These findings are expected to be published in early 2021.

Dental is the only UK mouthwash brand to be part of a clinical trial led by Cardiff University professor David Thomas.

“Nevertheless, this in-vitro study is very encouraging and a positive step, now more clinical research is clearly needed,” Dr. Thomas PA told the news agency, citing an independent newspaper.

“We need to understand if the effect of over-the-counter mouthwash on laboratory-acquired COVID-19 virus may recur in patients, and we look forward to completing our clinical trials in early 2021.”

Breathing fresh air

Specialist periodontologist Dr. Nick Claude said he believes mouthwash can be an important addition to coronavirus, “now and in the future,” for hand washing, body spacing and wearing a mask.

There are more than 54 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, and the U.S. is committed to controlling the spread of the virus. And has been recaptured in Europe.

U.S. Biotech firm Moderna said Monday it is receiving promising news from the race for the Covid-19 vaccine, adding that it is 94.5 percent effective from preliminary data from three studies of three consecutive phases of its experimental vaccine.

U.S. Following the news released last week by drug giant Pfizer, the news that three trial results for the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Germany’s Bioentech show that it is more than 90 percent effective.
