Mosquitoes With West Nile Found In Four Westchester Cities

The Westchester County Department of Health found mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus in four cities on Tuesday, August 25 during routine sampling deployments.

With heavy rains on the evening of Wednesday 26 August, officials are warning residents to use insect repellent with more than 30 percent DEET to prevent mosquito bites, and to do what they can to prevent swimming pools from standing water, where mosquitoes breed, on their properties.

This includes removing or rotating objects that can hold water from the backyard, checking children’s play equipment and toys for standing water, drilling holes in the bottom of recycled containers left outside, emptying birdbaths twice weekly, remove unused tires and keep roof holes free of debris.

Meanwhile, the health department will treat captive basins in the province to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in them.

“We can make our backyards less inviting breeding grounds for mosquitoes by pouring exceptional water after it rains and we can make ourselves less attractive targets by using repellents,” Westchester County Executive Georgia Latimer said in a press release on Wednesday, August 26th.

These are the first mosquitoes that have tested positive for the virus of 166 batches of mosquitoes at 11 locations in Westchester County.

Infected mosquitoes were found in Elmsford, Hastings, Mount Vernon and Rye.

Last year, 10 of 243 batches of mosquitoes were tested for the virus infected with West Nile.

“With so many of us spending more time abroad, protecting yourself and your family through repulsive means. Use sunscreen first, and second again, “Health Commissioner Sherlita Amler said in the county’s press release.

New York City announced earlier this month that mosquitoes with the West Nile virus were detected in each of the five bars.

To date, no cases of West Nile Virus have been recorded in Westchester County this year. Symptoms include fever, headache, abdominal pain and joint pain; the virus can be especially devastating to those over 60, or with underlying health conditions.

Residents experiencing large areas of standing water on public property are asked to contact the Westchester County Department of Health at (914) 813-5000.

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