Mortal Shell Beta is live for everyone at the Epic Games store

The Mortal Shell soul-like action game was designed to punish players with its deliberate and challenging combat, and if you can’t wait to play the full game, you can try a portion with the beta at the Epic Games Store right now. If you’re an expert, you can get over it in an hour, but Cold Symmetry and the Playstack editor warn that it can take much longer for everyone else.

The big hook in Mortal Shell are titular projectiles, which are bodies you can possess to gain its powers and arsenal. The beta version contains two projectiles called Harros and Tiel, which give you the opportunity to shake up the combat to better serve your situation. We also discovered two shells during our game preview time.

The beta version has no spoilers and you can only access a small portion of the Fallgrim area to prevent you from straying too far. Deliberate and brutal battles should keep you busy anyway, and if you’re fighting, you’ll want to carefully learn the attacks of enemies to create your own strategy. You can also use a “harden” ability mid-fight to receive a non-damaging attack.

Mortal Shell is slated to launch on the Epic Games Store, PS4, and Xbox One later this year with a Steam release in 2021. It was developed by a small team from Cold Symmetry, but it appears to be a valuable addition to the genre.

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Playing now: Mortal Shell – Soul-style combat and massive boss battle

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