Moder’s Covid-19 vaccine trial participant tells his experience

Lisa Taylor to R.N.  The Covid-19 vaccine was received from Jose Muniz as he participated in a vaccine study at the U.S. Research Center on August 7, 2020 in Hollywood Hollywood, Florida.
Lisa Taylor to R.N. The Covid-19 vaccine was received from Jose Muniz as he participated in a vaccine study at the U.S. Research Center on August 7, 2020 in Hollywood Hollywood, Florida. The same Ra Radell / Getty Images

Most average, healthy Americans who are not elderly and have no underlying conditions will be able to get the Covid-19 vaccine in late March or early April, said Dr. John H. Snyder, director of the National Institute Al Literary. Said Anthony Fauci. And infectious diseases.

Fawcett said it was important for everyone to get vaccinated because as quickly as possible the U.S. could establish an “umbrella of mob immunity” so that the epidemic would stop spreading at its current rapid rate.

“It’s just as important to bring the level of the virus down to dangerous levels. The sooner we get there, the better,” Fuci said.

A powerful vaccine: Fawcett said he did not expect the vaccines to be so effective in the wake of FDA approval.

“We have technological advances that allowed us to do things from week to month that would normally take many years,” he said. “There is no compromise with safety, no compromise with scientific integrity. We invested a lot of money to prepare the dose as soon as the vaccine was ready.”

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