Model Y Diary – Delivery, Panel Spaces, and First Impressions

This is an ongoing diary from my first week with Model Y. See Day 1 here.

Obtaining Model Y was super easy, and it showed that it was a well thought-out process on Tesla’s part. All the money had been taken in advance, and I even had quite a significant credit since Tesla lowered the price by $ 3,000 between payment and pickup. As I said before, I tried to get FSD for $ 7,000, but Tesla charged me $ 8,000, so I’ll decide later if I want that.

Compare that to my experience with Chevy, where it took me a full two days to get the Bolt sold to me on MSRP, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never visit a traditional dealer again. Oh, and don’t get me started with the local Toyota dealer.

With Covid, there are a few nuances to the delivery experience, but here’s how it came down:

Model Y first sighting

I stopped at the Tesla showroom and in the street parking lot on my Model X. Then I emailed the store to let them know I was there and what car I was in and what I was wearing. While I was waiting, I tried to do one last reset of the Model X display, but my Tesla rep Justin greeted me in the car before the display appeared. He said everything was ready and asked if I wanted to complete the paperwork. I said I would like to check the car first.

I had previously asked if I could take photos and videos, and Tesla asked me not to do it in case I accidentally captured other customers or sellers. It seemed a little iffy, but I planned to take some photos of any problems with the car.

As a separate comment, I saw the MKBHD review of the Model Y and was frankly surprised by the issues it saw in its own. And his was a press vehicle (!!!). It starts at 8:40 below:


So I got out and on a socially estranged walk, we both headed to the small parking lot where he showed me what appeared to be a gorgeous white Model Y with a white interior. I don’t know how they do it, but that white interior looks amazing and unlike any other white interior I’ve ever seen.

I started pacing around the car, looking for trouble. Upon close inspection, I found quite a few, but did not break deals. Mainly panels that were not aligned correctly and some of the same ones that MKBHD pointed out.

Model Y Panel gap / defects

If you need a gallery, I have put some of the highlights below: