Missouri Governor Mike Parson told “Hannity” on Monday that he “will undoubtedly forgive Mark and Patricia McCloskey, hours after St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner filed felony charges against they.
The charges stemmed from the McCloskeys wielding firearms after a crowd entered their closed neighborhood, and some allegedly threatened them and their property. The McCloskeys argued that they broke an iron gate to reach the private street.
Parson, a Republican, said Missouri was one of several states with a “castle doctrine” principle in which people could protect themselves, their family, and / or property in certain situations.
“Definitely Sean,” he said when asked about a pardon. “I will do everything in the Missouri State Constitution to protect law-abiding citizens and those people are exactly that. They are law-abiding citizens and are being frankly attacked by a political process that is truly unfortunate.” .
He called it a “sad day” for the state, noting that he had already spoken to President Trump, who agreed that the McCloskeys should not face felony charges for what they described as self-defense.
“They had every right to protect their property, their home, as any of us would. If you had a mob coming toward you, whether they broke down a door or not, when they enter your property, they have no right to do so. aggressive. People have the right to protect themselves, their families, their property, “Parson said.
He criticized Gardner, a Democrat, as a prosecutor who allegedly politicized her office, alleging to Sean Hannity that she has filed charges in only about 30 homicide cases despite 135 such crimes in St. Louis to date.
“She says she does not have the time and she does not have the resources, and yet she will go out and accuse innocent citizens, private citizens who have not broken the law. It simply defies common sense why any elected official would do such a thing. “
Gardner has defended his actions, saying that even though the McCloskeys are on their own property, “it is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner, that is illegal in the city of St. Louis.”
Parson also said that the police should be better financed, not “financed.”
“We need to support our men and women by sacrificing their lives every day. We need to put more officers on the ground to attack violent criminals. We can see these peaceful protesters who they claim to be, but we know there is violence behind them.”