Michigan Rest Restaurants Rants Urge Governor to Ignore COVID-19 Ban

Both owners of the Michigan restaurant chain wrote a letter to state government gretchen Whitmer (D) and state health department officials to keep other lockers from operating, regardless of the strict lockdown imposed on indoor dining.

Detroit Free Press reports The owners of Indiamo Restaurant in Detroit and Rosalie Vikari wrote a letter asking them to fight any restrictions announced after the outcome of a lawsuit seeking to stop the state’s efforts to stop the operation of meals filed by the Michigan Restaurant R&D and Lodging Association. To prevent COVID-19 transmission.

Vicariz wrote that if they lose the lawsuit, the state will probably close the ining meal by the end of the year.

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“Our industry will not be able to survive another extended shutdown,” the letter said. “Thousands of rest restaurant rentals and thousands of our thousands of employees won’t survive. We need to band together and fight back but we need to do this as a united group of Michigan restaurant owners.”

Rosalie Vikari confirmed to reporters that she and her husband had written the letter.

Part of Michigan Public health restrictions Indoor dining and rest restaurants include rentals and bars, planned and pro games, private high schools, movie theaters and other public spaces. These spaces will be closed for three weeks.

The Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association sued the state over the order, and the policy’s temporary restraining order was denied. 20 Nov..

The next hearing is set for November 30.

Should the group lose again, Vikariz suggests that rest owners in the area hold and hold a press conference at local and national media outlets “… to announce that as a powerful, collective group, we We will reopen our rest restaurants. 9. ”

Rest restaurants rent, bars and other food and drink have suffered the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. Data from July Indicates that about 20% of rest restaurants are closed due to epidemics, permanently closed due to revenue cuts.

In Michigan alone, according to Justin Winslow, president and CEO of the Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association, in Michigan alone, thousands of restaurants are on the verge of shuttering.

“More than 6,000 restaurants will be permanently closed by spring if the closure is prolonged and federal stimulus dollars are not made available immediately,” he wrote in a court document.

The order comes as Michigan struggles to accommodate its fast COVID-19 transmission. Robert Gorden, director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, said the court’s current decision upholding the state’s shutdown order would protect people.

“Ers like this have successfully shut down COVID surgeons in many other countries. That’s why public health experts support this approach, and we believe that these targeted and temporary measures need to be taken to avoid overcrowded hospitals and death counts seen in the spring, ”he said. Gordon said after the 20th decision. “If we all mask up and avoid indoor gatherings, we will not only save the lives of thousands of people and protect our frontline health workers, but we will also be able to dine in indoor restaurants without fear.”

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