Michigan Coronavirus: Revelers celebrated the weekend of July 4 at a Michigan lake. Now some have Covid-19

The Northwest Michigan Department of Health said other health officials in the state reported that several people tested positive “after attending the holidays at the Torch Lake sandbank during the July 4 vacation,” the department said on Tuesday. Friday.

Hundreds gathered at Torch Lake, in the northwest corner of Michigan's Lower Peninsula, over the weekend of July 4.

Those who tested positive were unable to identify all the people they came in contact with, “and therefore we want the public to know that those who attended may be at risk for exposure, and additional cases could be seen in the coming days.” health department said.

Health officials said several people who tested positive were unable to name all the people they had contact with.

“If you were at the Torch Lake Sandbar party over the weekend of July 4, you should monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and look for evidence if symptoms develop or if you are at high risk of exposure due to proximity to others do not use a cloth that covers the face “

The disease can be mild to severe, and some infected carriers have no symptoms when they infect others.
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Those who have symptoms generally become ill two to 14 days after exposure to the virus, and symptoms may include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, loss of taste and smell, and diarrhea.

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“Anyone who self-controls as a result of possible exposure to COVID-19 should stay as far away from others as possible and limit travel,” the health department said.

“If you control yourself and develop symptoms, you should first call your primary care physician for testing. If you do not have a primary care physician, call the Northwest Michigan Department of Health at 1-800-432- 4121 “.
