Michael Cohen provides example of tell-all Trump book: ‘I know where the skeletons are buried’

Michael Cohen offered a taste of what to expect in his anti-Trump tell-all book “Disloyal, A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”

The book, which will be released in September, makes several provocative and shaky claims about his time as Trump’s go-to fixer and lawyer before pleading guilty to violations of campaign funding over hefty payments made to women during the 2016 election that claimed cases with the then GOP candidate.

“The president of the United States wanted me dead,” Cohen said boldly in front of his book, which was released on Thursday. “Or, let me say it like Donald Trump would: He would not care if I was dead. That was how Trump spoke. Like a bully, using language carefully calibrated to convey his wishes and requirements, while using deliberate indirectness. to isolate himself and prevent him from ordering a hit on his former personal lawyer, trusting, advising and, at least in my heart, adopting son. “

Cohen wrote that “the death threats came through the hundreds” of Trump supporters after he agreed to join special advocate Robert Mueller, and wrote “All rats deserve to die, I was told. I was a Judas with a low life that they went hunting down. “


“For more than a decade, I was at the center of Trump’s inner circle. When he came to my son’s bar mitzvah, a big gesture I touched, he told my then thirteen-year-old son that his father the biggest and that, if he wanted to work for the Trump Organization when he was growing up, there would always be a position for him. “You are family,” Trump said to my son and I. And I believed in him! ” Exclaimed Cohen.

The former Trump fixer admitted that he himself was a ‘demented follower’ of the celebrity businessman and how he was willing to do anything for him, including, as I once promised a reporter, a bullet to take. ‘

Cohen recalls the “enormous weight” he felt when he testified before the House Oversight Committee in 2019 and how responsible he felt playing “a central role in creating this new reality” that “a clear and current threat named Donald Trump “could become president. . However, he claimed that both sides were wrong about whether or not Trump was “Russian-ruled” or that the entire investigation was a “witch hunt”.

“I knew the reality was much more complicated and dangerous. Trump had cooperated with the Russians, but not in the alleged ways proposed by his detractors. I also knew that the Mueller investigation was not a witch hunt. Trump had cheated in the election. , with Russian connivance, as you will discover on these pages, because everything – and I mean everything – to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life, “Cohen explained.” Trump had also continued to pursue a large real estate sales in Moscow during the campaign. He tried to insinuate himself into the world of President Vladimir Putin and his coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs. I know this because I personally ran that deal and Trump and his children were closely aware of all the updates, even though the candidate blatantly loved the American people and said, “there is no Russian conspiracy, I have no dealings with Russia … there is no Russia. “


With his book, Cohen hopes to reintroduce himself to the rest of the country.

“For more than a decade, I was every morning of Trump’s first call and his last call every night. I was in and out of Trump’s office on the 26th floor of the Trump Tower as many as fifty times a day, and tending to his every question Our phones had the same address books, our contacts so intertwined, overlapping and intimate that part of my job was to deal with the endless questions and requests, no matter how big or small, of Trump’s innumerable rich and famous knowledge “I mentioned each and every person he spoke to, perhaps on behalf of him as his lawyer and emissary, and everyone knew that when I spoke to them, it was as good as talking directly to Trump.”

He went on to say, “Apart from his wife and children, I knew Trump better than anyone else did. Somehow I knew him better than even his family did, because I witnessed the real man, in strip clubs, scrupulous business meetings, and in the unguarded moments when he revealed who he really was: a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man … He has no one he trusts to keep his secrets.For ten years, he was sure of me, and I was always there for him, and see what happened to me.I encourage you to really consider that fact: Trump has no real friends. He has lived and prevented his whole life and takes responsibility for his actions. He destroyed or deceived all who stood in his way, but I know where the skeletons are buried, because I was the one who buried her. “


He promised when he wrote his save in the Otisville Federal Prison, “This is a book that the President of the United States does not want you to read.”

Cohen was released from prison last month amid concerns over coronavirus and was ordered to serve the remainder of his sentence under house arrest. His sentence was to end in November 2021.