Originally scheduled for Oct. 9-11 at Sacramento’s Discovery Park, Aftershock Festival 2020 has been delayed until Oct. 7-10, 2021, with Metallica and My Chemical Romance headlining.
Danny Wimmer Presents, Aftershock’s music festival production and promotion company, added a fourth night in partnership with Jack Daniels to the 2021 edition of the massive West Coast rock festival.
“After all the damage caused by COVID-19, there is nothing we want more than to celebrate Aftershock with you this October at Discovery Park for what was to be a monumental weekend,” the DWP statement read. “We artists and Sacramento County thought we had a chance to be the first post-COVID festival to happen. That really would have been incredible. We waited as long as we could but, unfortunately, the recent surge in cases now requires that we reschedule the exhausted replica of this year by 2021 “.
Metallica still plans to perform two unique sets on Friday and Sunday night, as both legendary acts of heavy metal and alternative rock were previously confirmed for the sold-out 2020 show. The rest of the 2021 lineup will be announced this October.
“Everyone in the Metallica camp is more than discouraged by the fact that we can’t connect with all of you amazing music fans in and around Sacramento in October, which, as you know, is just Interstate 80 from where we are located, “Metallica wrote. in the statement “We are counting down the days until we can see you in October 2021 and look forward to joining our brothers in My Chemical Romance and all the other great artists (to be announced) for an amazing weekend of music, good vibes and many replicas. “
Festival goers who purchased Aftershock 2020 tickets will receive an email this Monday, July 27 regarding their tickets. But there is an advantage for those who keep them until next year: the additional fourth night has no additional cost to them.
“It’s a bittersweet moment to look at the 2020 calendar and see all the amazing experiences we plan to share between ourselves and our fans this year little by little,” said My Chemical Romance. “We hope to be part of Aftershock2021 in Sacramento, California, the weekend of October 7-10 with Metallica and many other amazing bands. We are counting down the minutes until we can see you all again, but until then please: Stay safe, stay sane, be nice and keep the faith. XO “.
Go to the Aftershock official website for more information.