Meghan Markle blames tabloid media for deteriorating “very close relationship” with her father Thomas

In response to questions about the Duchess’s financial support for her father, the attorneys said, “The applications are free and a violation and intrusion of the privacy of both the complainant and her father.”

They continue to expand the father-daughter relationship, admitting that “it has never been denied that Claimant’s father has supported her throughout her childhood and as a young adult.”

While young Meghan Markle was in college, they said, her father did not “pay all” the tuition costs, and her mother also contributed, along with a scholarship and a “work-study program through which she earned income by working. on campus after class. ” it was applied directly to complement and reduce your tuition costs. “

While Markle obtained a loan from Northwestern University to cover her daughter’s tuition costs, her daughter “began to make voluntary financial contributions to her

Father “once she started earning to give” personal financial support “.

When she started as an actress, the duchess is said to have “always held full-time jobs during auditions, both as a professional calligrapher and working in a restaurant.”

“Plaintiff’s father provided occasional financial support to Plaintiff, just as she provided reciprocal financial support once she started earning,” her attorneys say.

Mr. Markle made a “personal offer to contribute financially to his first wedding,” but “the Claimant did not request such a contribution, either for $ 20,000 or for any other amount.”

Adding that the duchess had provided “substantial financial support to her father since January 2014,” the attorneys confirm that she has offered no further funds since May 2018, when the father and daughter stopped contacting.

After receiving medical treatment before the Royal Wedding, when he was admitted to a hospital with heart problems, Markle could have paid his costs with the fees he received for his media interview, the documents suggest.

“Medical documents in the possession of the Respondent, which were shared in the

Mr. Markle’s private response to Plaintiff, clearly indicate medical costs

covered by insurance (greater than six figures) and nominal copayment

Markle paid approximately $ 2,500, “they say.

“In the correspondence, Mr. Markle points to the significant payments he received for interviews and quotes provided to tabloids and commentators in the UK, which would appear to exceed and offset the excessive medical cost of approximately $ 2,500.”

The Duchess is suing for undisclosed damages for breach of privacy, copyright and data protection.

A date for the trial has not yet been set, which is expected to continue in 2021.

Earlier this year, he lost the first strike hearing, in which Mr. Justice Warby ruled that his lawyers would not be allowed to argue in court that the newspaper acted dishonestly, “caused” problems with his father and he had an “agenda” against her.

Associated newspapers have completely denied all claims against him, particularly the suggestion that the letter was significantly edited.
