Meghan Markle and Prince Harry blame the press for Meghan’s father in Finding Freedom

In the lead-up to the royal wedding, Meghan Markle’s father Thomas Markle hoped to improve her image by participating in a photo shoot on stage. To say that things did not go as planned, is very little. Markle, a retired director of television lighting and cinematographer, was exposed in the press, an embarrassment to both himself and the royal family. And eventually, she says, the stress of the scandal caused her to have a heart attack. He would lose the royal wedding.

But according to Find freedom, a new biography of Harry and Meghan written by reporters Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, the royal couple blames the media for both their behavior and their absence on their big day.

Seeking Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Creation of a Modern Royal Family

An excerpt from the upcoming book was published in the Sunday time this weekend, and while the Sussexs “were not interviewed and did not contribute” to the book, according to a statement from their spokesperson, the text offers a behind-the-scenes look at the period leading up to the royal wedding, and how The situation with the father Meghan’s developed.

“He is vulnerable,” Meghan told a friend about the staged photo shoots, by Find freedom. “It has been primed. Many sensational journalists have been persuading and paying him. I don’t know if he really had a chance.

According to Scobie and Durand, Prince Harry also blames the press for what happened to Meghan’s father.

“The pressure he endured for six months before he finally broke down and started participating,” a senior courtier about Meghan’s father told the authors, “that’s why Harry is angry.”

A source “close to the couple” summarized their perspective as follows:

“There is a kind of aggressive intrusion and reckless, irresponsible and irresponsible hostility to media actions that is deeply damaging. I don’t think paparazzi are the same. I think that has changed. But the kind of ruthless malevolence in some sections of the media, and it’s malevolent, is really bad. What they did to his father, he took him out of his private life and forced him to go outside, and then wave checks, is absolutely terrible. I wanted to live privately. He would have continued to live privately. He would have been at the wedding if the media had left him alone as requested. And there is no public interest argument to excuse the intrusion into Thomas Markle’s private life. “

Read the full excerpt here.

Find freedom It comes out on August 11 and is currently available for pre-order.

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