- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry simply went one step further from their formal royal duties.
- Meghan and Harry closed their charity, Sussex Royal.
In case we didn’t get the memo that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry want very little to do with the royal family, they just reminded us again. They formally closed their charity, Sussex Royal, by filing the relevant paperwork with the UK authorities, Persons Has confirmed.
Instead, Meghan and Harry will focus on their new foundation, Archewell, which is, of course, named after their son, Archie. “We focus on supporting efforts to tackle the global pandemic of COVID-19, but with the release of this information, we feel compelled to share the story of how this came about,” they revealed in a statement.
According to The TelegraphThe foundation will be a nonprofit charity with volunteer services, a “powerful website”, podcasts, and possibly movies and books. But, they are in no rush to launch. “They want to get it right, that’s really important to them,” said a source. Vanity Fair. “This is something they want to do for the rest of their lives so as not to be pressured into launching something that is still in the relatively early stages of development. “Meanwhile, they are focusing on other causes such as the Black Lives Matter Movement and the # initiative. FeedHOPE.
In January, they announced their move to North America and their official separation from the royal family. “This geographic balance will allow us to raise our child with an appreciation of the royal tradition in which he was born, while also giving our family the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity.” he wrote Well it looks like they’re sticking to their initial plan.
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