Megan The Stalion to Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron to SNL

Megan Thee Stalion used her solo debut as a musical guest on Saturday Night Live to summon Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Louisville played the audio of rapper activists McCullum X and Tamica Moryori during an operation to condemn Cameron’s handling of the case of Brona Taylor, who was killed by police.

“Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellers who sold our people into slavery,” Melry can be heard saying as the words appeared on the screen behind Megan.

Meg then began her own speech by saying, “We have to protect black women and love black women because at the end of the day we need our black women.

He said, “We need to save black men and stand up for black men, because at the end of the day, we were tired of seeing our black men’s hashtags.”

Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT, was sleeping in her apartment when the cops entered her home during a drug check and fired her legally licensed gun once her boyfriend, Kenneth Waker, believed they were home invaders.

Cameron, the state’s first black attorney general, has been criticized after a grand jury decided not to take any police commissions with Taylor’s death.

Megan to Stallion
Megan to StallionPatrick McMullen by Getty Images

Only one officer has been charged with endangering supplies due to bullets strewn across the wall of his neighbor’s home.
