Megan Kelly defends Limboff’s emotional radio moment discussing cancer diagnosis

Conservative journalist Megan Kelly mocked Rush Limboh for sharing an emotional update on the fight with stage 4 cancer after he tore down radio host Michael Savage on Monday night.

Savage mocks Limboff, saying his “crying in the air” was “the worst 15 minutes in radio history.”

“Limboff cries in the air about his cancer! The worst 15 minutes in radio history! Sprinkle a big coffee on the counter and on the floor. I promise this to my audience – I will not pull you with me! Greetings Rush, but stop and leave” Pride Stage together, “Savage wrote on Twitter.

Limboff, 69, said on Monday that while fighting cancer he often feels like he is under the “death penalty”, with the sharing of recent radio talk show hosts or recent scans showing “some progress”.

“It’s cancer, ultimately it’s more obvious than everything you throw at it,” Limboff told his national syndicate program. “It’s hard to understand that the days of being on death row are not over.”

Kelly, who launched the podcast last month, criticized Savage in response to a tweet to her 2.5 million viewers.

Kelly said in a retweet, “I think I’m saying it for everyone right now, while I’m saying STFU you certain douchebag.”

Others soon joined in condemning Savage.

“You’re an idiot,” replied Gianno Caldwell, a political analyst at Fox News.

“Were you hacked or are you just horrible?” Australia’s Herald Sun’s columnist Rita Panahi has tweeted.

“Congratulations on getting yourself out as a jealous trash can!” Comedian and podcast host Tim Young responded.

Limboff announced to his audience in January that he had been diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. Shortly after his announcement, he was awarded the Medal of Freedom by a well-known radio show host. President TrumpDonald John Trumperly 300 former national security officials sign Biden endorsement letter to DC correspondent on Michael Renoel’s death: ‘People I know in law enforcement are very angry about it’ Late night Study In February.
