Meaning of full moon: Why is the full moon of September called corn moon? | Science | News

The full moon this week is known by many names, including Barley Moon, Corn Moon and Harvest Moon. Is it the ninth full moon of the year and the last full moon of summer in 2020. When the moon is directly opposite to the sun, a full moon appears every 29.5 days.

The moon does not shine with its own light, so it goes through eight different phases throughout the moon.

As the moon shifts toward the earth, phases of sunlight will emerge.

The full moon falls in the middle of this cycle, and the eight phases in the order are the new moon, the waxing crescent, the first quarter, the waxing gibbous, the full moon, the waning gibbous, the last quarter, and the waning crescent.

U.S. The space agency NASA said: “When sunlight comes from a distance from the moon – the side we can’t see without the help of the spacecraft – it’s called the New Moon.

“When sunlight is reflected from a nearby side, we call it a full moon.

“In the rest of the month we will see the side parts or phases of the lunar day.”

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Gordon Johnston, NASA’s lunar expert, said: “Maine Farmer’s Almanac published Native American names for the full moon in the 1930s.

“Over time these names have become widely known and used.

“According to this calendar, like the full moon in September and the last full moon of summer, the Algoquin tribes now in the northeastern USA call it the Corn Moon, because this time was to gather their main corn crop, pumpkin, squash, Beans and wild rice. “

In Europe, this moon is also known as Barley Moon, and in Thailand it is Modhu Purnima or Honey Full Moon.

The lunar phase coincides with the Honey ering Faring Festival, a Buddhist celebration.

Mr Johnston said: “The festival is linked to a legend that an elephant and a monkey fed the Buddha when they were in the forest to bring peace between the two parties offering fruit and a hive to the monkey.

“In Sri Lanka, this full moon is Binara Pura Pasaloswaka Pyo Day, commemorating the establishment of the Buddhist monk’s order.”

More modern lunar names include Grail Moon and Ladi Moon, which include NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory and Lunar Atmospheric and Dust Environment Explorer, respectively.