Maybe Joe Biden isn’t crazy about going after Texas.

two) Pennsylvania

The useful trauma of the Democrats.

To further underscore what the landslide would look like (SERIOUS, SUBJECT TO CHANGE), consider Pennsylvania. According to election averages, the state has spent much of this summer occupying the “tipping point” state, that is, the state most likely to provide the 270, and riveted, electoral vote. Well, the current poll average has brought Biden up nearly 8 percentage points there, and a credible Monmouth University poll this week set Biden’s lead in the state at 13 points. In other words: In this type of landslide environment (SERIOUS, SUBJECT TO CHANGE), Biden would secure the presidency with a state that can be called as easily as New Mexico did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. As, however, it can Seeing for our cowardly capital warnings, even as we write this review of possible landslides, we feel that we are somehow misleading the elections. That trauma related to 2016 seems to be on the minds of Pennsylvania voters as well. Despite Biden’s 13-point margin in the Monmouth poll, 46 percent of Pennsylvania voters say they expect Triumph to win the state, compared to 45 percent for Biden. “One reason for this,” Monmouth wrote, “seems to be that the majority of voters (57%) believe that there are a number of alleged secret voters in their communities who support Trump but will not tell anyone. Less than the half of that number (27%) believe there are secret voters for Biden. ” It can be useful to Biden if many of his followers don’t believe the polls that show him, if that leads them to introduce himself.