Maui Weather in Hawaii: Heavy rains damaged homes, evacuated and raised concerns about possible dam failure

The Maui Fire Department reported that it received more than a dozen calls to help residents trapped in their homes due to rising flood waters, according to an update from Maui County.

During a press conference Monday afternoon, Maui Mayor Mike Victorino said the current weather conditions have led to “extremely dangerous flooding” in Maui County, especially in East Maui. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a real flood situation that we haven’t seen in a long time,” some residents told him, adding that this is the worst flooding they have seen in 25 years.

The Kakkalua Dam in Haiku was flooded early Monday following heavy rains and a breach occurred at 3:21 p.m., local time, the county’s Maui said in a statement.

The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency ordered that the following streams be evacuated and three shelters were opened for those in need.

The National Weather Service said additional heavy rains could lead to a short-term flood warning for the lower areas of the dam and advised residents to follow the instructions given by Maui Emergency Management officials.

The governor said he was ready to help the area evacuate.

The state stands to support Maui as tourists and visitors following the Kaupkulua Dam have moved out at this time. Stay out of the area and continue monitoring local media for updates until the threat passes, Hawaii’s David Ege said in a statement.

All county Maui parks were closed until further notice due to heavy rain and flooding, the Parks and Recreation Department announced.

Residents describe the flood

Carmen Gardner told CNN he has lived in the area for 40 years and has never seen this bad flood.

She recorded a video showing how fast and powerful water was flooding the area, saying it was safe over the Kau Paklua Dam.

On Monday, Carmen Gardner recorded videos showing how fast and violent the floodwaters are.

“The winter of 88-89 was a bit flooded during the downpour, but never near this,” he told CNN. “The Kau Paklua road looked like the Colorado River. It is below us, but at the bottom (lower) edge of our property there is a flash flood that appears to have already taken over an uncontrolled structure they rented. “

Gardner said his lower rents “hurt heavily.”

Paula DiCarlo told CNN that her family was safe, although they were stuck at home after the road was washed away. She recorded a video showing a rush of water down the road, with a small stream beneath it.

“Yeah, it’s like a bridge, a little over a stream.” “It doesn’t stop raining for a second. We’re about 15 minutes away from the dam.”

“This is our street right now. We can’t go anywhere. The street has disappeared, it’s gone!” He posted on Instagram.

CNN meteorologists Michael Guy and Amanda Jacques contributed to this report.
