Matthew McConaughey tells fans to ‘wear the damn mask’ in new video

The actor told fans that he understood that the country is going through “some growing pains” but that “growing pains are a good thing, because how the hell are we going to grow?”

He went on to say, “I think we should look each other in the eye … look each other in the eye, look in the mirror and ask ourselves, ‘How can I be better? How can I expect more from myself? And others? How can I be more responsible? How can I have more compassion How can I have more courage How can I be more fair How do I make sure I wear the damn mask?

“This is how we get to birthdays and next year’s birthdays beyond that. And we start partying again. Looking around and thinking, ‘Oh yeah, we always have work to do. We never got there, but we got better.’ That is our opportunity. That is our opportunity. That depends on me. That depends on you, “he said.

“It’s game time. Ding, ding. We’re in the ring, United States. Let’s stop bothering and we’re done.”

This is not the first time that McConaughey has opened up to fans when it comes to curbing the spread of the coronavirus. In May, he spoke to CNN’s Brianna Keilar about the need for fans to take every possible precaution.

“Science is behind us right now,” he said. “The mask is about letting science catch up. It’s about helping protect people on the front line. Don’t let what happened in New York happen where there are two patients for each bed. We have to buying time and a mask is a very good tool for that. “
