Mary Trump says President sees illness as sign of ‘unforgivable weakness’ US News

Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, has said the United States is “in a terrible position” because family members, including the president, see the illness as a “display of unforgivable weakness”, whether by themselves or others.

Speaking on NPR’s Fresh Air, Mary Trump, who recently published a tell-the-book about her family, said: “That’s why we’re in such a horrible place, because he can’t admit to being sick or weak. Others are sick. “

She spoke in support of the US President, saying that the US President Ronavirus had “uncontested” the security of his staff and the details of his safety, where he was being treated for the disease, by driving long distances to supporters outside President Luther Reid Military Medical Center. .

Mary Trump is accusing the president and his two siblings of cheating them out of millions of dollars over several decades while leaving the family business.

On Sunday, Mary Trump said both the president and her father, Fred Trump, were of the opinion that the illness was “unacceptable.” “Which sounds incredibly cruel, but it comes true,” he said.

The belief affected the way her grandmother, who has osteoporosis, said she would return from hospital and need care and physical therapy, but her grandfather, Fred Trump, was unable to tolerate it. You know, she’d be in the room with him. And as soon as he started showing her that she was in physical pain, he would say ‘everything is fine, okay. Everything is fine. ‘And he would leave the room. ”

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Asked how she reacted to the illness, Trump said the trend was driven by the fact that her grandfather “never got sick.” Never. “

Donald Trump entered the 2020 epidemic that epidemiologists say are practicing a number of measures – avoiding sick people, washing hands frequently and using alcohol gels, and removing handshakes.

In early 1993, he told radio host Howard Stern that he had a “microbial phobia”, admitting that “there could be a mental problem”. A year ago, the President’s mindset was exposed when his intensely reactive film was made Cough In Oval Office Fees. “I do not like it. If you’re coughing, please leave the room, “Trump said, shaking his head.

According to Politico, it was his then-spokesman Hope Hicks, who transmitted the Covid-1id to Trump during the 201st election campaign, who will be on standby to offer a hand sanitizer’s Trump squirt.

The American minister and motivational speaker, who was close to the Trump family and worked on Trump’s first marriage, the American minister and inspirational speaker, who adheres to Fred Trump’s philosophy, was “taken to such an extreme level that he was toxic because there was no room for his expressions.” Did not. About what he believed in any kind of negativity, you know, sadness, despair, being physically ill, ”Mary Trump said.

Mary Trump’s great-grandfather and president’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was killed by the Spanish influenza in the 1918 epidemic, with Trump saying his uncle “seems to have forgotten.”

Additional report by Li Liver Homes
