Martha Stewart posted a ‘thirst trap’ for her pool

When I was about 10 years old I had to do a project about a woman I admire and of course I chose Martha Stewart. I’ve often been proud of that choice, but never as much as when I saw you post this glorious selfie on your Instagram page this week.

The lifestyle mogul and unofficial Instagram queen posted a photo of her lounging by her pool in the Hamptons on a particularly hot day. She posted a simple legend about her pool and how it is designed to use the least amount of chlorine possible, has no protruding steps that make it ideal for racing, and is very deep for diving.

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That’s cool and all, but the real star of the photo is Martha, who did a glamorous pose. The internet immediately exploded with love for this casual “thirst trap” he posted (for those who don’t know, a “thirst trap” is when he posts a photo that looks REALLY good, usually with a harmless caption, to that people can’t help but stop, look, and comment.)

“You’re a little nervous on this HOT at 78 years old, now let me follow that skincare routine!” One person commented. “Is Martha thirsty trapping?! 😍 My queen!” another wrote. “Martha is here for a hot girl summer,” wrote someone else.

Whether or not Martha intended to provoke this level of worship comments is up for debate, but the fact that she is NOT up for debate is that this is Martha Stewart’s internet and we are just living on it.

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