Mark Cuban’s advice to Dan Snyder: you must accept the mistakes you made

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The NBA Dallas Mavericks have been where the NFL Washington franchise is now, and Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has been where Washington owner Dan Snyder is now.

It was over two years ago that Illustrated Sports released a report alleging sexual harassment in the business department within the Mavericks organization.

“If you know Dan Snyder, if you’re involved with the Redskins, if you connect with them, tell Dan and tell his senior management that you must recognize what you did well and what you did wrong,” Cuban said on his radio show. “Ask me anything with Mark Cuban” on SiriusXM, via Dallas Morning News. “You have to accept the mistakes you made. That is painful. I make many mistakes. And that’s the only way this is going to be resolved. “

The Mavericks hired Cynt Marshall as executive director shortly after the SI report in February 2018. Cuban also pledged $ 10 million to women’s organizations that fight domestic violence.

The Washington PostThursday’s investigative story prompted Snyder to issue a statement on Friday. Snyder pledged to “establish a new culture” by following the recommendations of the outside law firm hired by the team.

“The reality is,” Cuban said, “the Dallas Mavericks in 2018 went through exactly the same thing.”