Marc Short, Jared Kushner remove meaning of NBA boycotts

The unforgettable decision of pro-athletes to sit out games has sought to heighten a sense of urgency in tackling issues of police brutality and racial justice. Many players of color have spoken in personal terms about the shootings of Blake and other Black Americans in a time of distress for many Americans.

Asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota about ‘New Day’ as Pence supports the boycott, Marc Short, Vice President’s Chief of Staff Mike Pence, said, ‘ “I think it’s absurd, it’s stupid.”

He went on to criticize the NBA for its ties with China, saying he believed the administration should not talk to him “one way or another” about the boycott.

“If they want to protest, I do not think we care,” he said.

Shortly afterwards, he tried to clarify his comments in an interview with MSNBC, saying that he spoke in the context of his belief that the NBA had not adequately criticized China’s authoritarian government, despite doing business with the country.

“There is a contrast to the positions they have taken,” he said.

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior adviser to President Donald Trump, also downplayed the boycott, saying the league should turn slogans and signals to “actual action that will solve the problem.”
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“I think the NBA players are very happy that they have the financial position where they can take a night off from work without having the financial consequences for themselves,” he said during an interview with CNBC. “That they have that luxury, that’s great. Look, I think there’s a lot of activism with the NBA and I think they’ve put out a lot of slogans, but I think what we need to do is get that slogans and signals. for actual action that will solve the problem. “

Kushner told Politico Thursday morning that he will reach out to NBA superstar LeBron James, one of the most outspoken players in the league on social justice. He said the White House is “happy to talk to him and say, ‘Look, let’s both agree on what we want to achieve and let’s come up with a common path to get there.’ “CNN has reached out to a James representative for comment.
Blake was shot in the back by police Sunday when he tried to enter his car in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and according to family lawyers, his waist was paralyzed downward. His shooting is the latest incident to provoke outrage over police brutality and brutality and has rekindled feelings of hurt and anger for Black Americans who resent recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Rayshard Brooks.

What began as the Milwaukee Bucks’ decision Wednesday to boycott their playoff game after the shooting of Jacob Blake’s police in the team’s home state fell Wednesday night to a wave of similar protests across the American sports scene. The NBA soon announced that it would postpone Game 5 of three different playoff series – Bucks vs. Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder and Los Angeles Lakers vs. Portland Trail Blazers.

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Within hours, three WNBA, five Major League Soccer and three Major League Baseball games were called up as athletes acted in solidarity with the Bucks’ players.
During his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, Pence condemned the violence in Kenosha and other cities, and ignored the concerns expressed by people of color about police violence for the most part, while defending legal action.

“President Donald Trump and I will always support the right of Americans to peaceful protest, but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest, image degradation is not freedom of speech. Those who do so will be within the full scope of the law. be prosecuted, ”Pence said in Fort. McHenry in Baltimore. “Let me be clear, the violence must stop, whether in Minneapolis, Portland, or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died to defend our freedoms to see Americans beat each other. We will have law and order on the streets of this country. for every American of every race and faith and color. “

Trump himself has said little about firing Blake, instead of condemning violence in Kenosha that flared up after the incident. Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told CNN’s Jim Sciutto that the president plans to tackle the shooting in his acceptance speech Thursday night for the Republican presidential nomination.

This story has been updated with additional comments and background.

CNN’s Jill Martin, Leah Asmelash, David Close and Sam Fossum contributed to this report.
