Main National Guard disputes Park police say no tear gas was used near the White House

“I could feel irritation in my eyes and nose, and based on my previous exposure to tear gas in my training at West Point and later in my Army training, I recognized that irritation as effects consistent with CS or ‘tear gas.'” Adam DeMarco testified before the House Natural Resources Committee. “And later that night, I found spent tear gas on the nearby street.”

DeMarco’s experience during the June 1 incident differs from the official account of federal officials.

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Acting Chief of the United States Park Police Gregory Monahan testified Tuesday that no tear gas was used, but his testimony suggested he defines tear gas as a particular type of gas called CS gas.

Monahan acknowledged that officers used other irritants and dispersant gases, including peppercorns, sting balls, and “non-irritant smoke cans.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uses a broader definition than Park Police for “riot officers (sometimes called” tear gas “).”

“Riot control officers are used by law enforcement officials for crowd control and by individuals and the general public for personal protection (eg pepper spray),” says the CDC on its website. .

In a statement on June 3, Park Police said its officers “and other law enforcement partners who attended did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells.”

Park Police spokesman Sgt. Eduardo Delgado said in an interview with the Vox website that “it was a mistake” to deny that the dispersants used were tear gas.

On Tuesday, DeMarco said he “heard explosions and saw smoke being used to disperse protesters.” He said he saw law enforcement “use weapons ‘like paintballs’ to unload what I later learned to be ‘pepper balls’ in the crowd,” but did not say he saw law enforcement using gas canisters. CS.
