Madden NFL 21 closed beta starts tonight, here’s how (maybe) get a code

The Madden NFL 21 closed beta is about to begin. EA Sports has confirmed that the beta test runs this holiday weekend of July 4, from July 2 at 8:30 p.m. ET to Sunday, July 5 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

This beta will double the size of the Madden NFL 20 beta audience last year, EA said in a blog post. To enter, you needed to register for the Good Morning Madden link in June. Also, almost everyone who earned Madden Championship Series points will receive a code sent to their email. On top of that, if you finished in the top 10,000 players in Madden NFL 20 Ultimate Team and Franchise modes, based on game time, you will receive an invitation.

If you don’t meet any of those criteria, you can follow Madden NFL 21’s social media accounts and search for a gift there. Additionally, the game’s developers, along with NFL influencers, creators, athletes, and teams, will be giving away codes. Please note that the beta version is only available in the US and Canada. EA did not announce a list of platforms for Madden NFL 21 beta, but it is confirmed that the game will launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in August before hitting PS5 and Xbox Series X later in the year.

If you enter beta, you can try Play Now mode with four teams: the Baltimore Ravens, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Atlanta Falcons. Online face-to-face game is also available.

EA Sports prohibits people from recording, broadcasting or in any way capturing their game images. Players who do this will be ripped out of the beta version.

Madden NFL 21 introduces some major changes to the way the game controls this year, particularly on the ball carrier side, and developers are using beta testing to see what people think about the new setting. If the answer is no, EA Sports could reverse the changes, the developers said.

EA also previously mentioned that it can’t host an open beta, though the developer never explained why.

Madden NFL 21 launches on August 28 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, but you can play early through the MVP Edition. Additionally, anyone who purchases Madden NFL 21 on PS4 or Xbox One can redeem a free upgrade to PS5 or Xbox Series X until the release of Madden NFL 22 in 2021.

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