Macron outlines new law to curb Islamic ‘separatism’ in France | France

Emmanuel Macron has declared a law in France against religious “separatism” that frees Islam from “foreign influences.”

In the long-awaited declaration, the French president outlined new measures to “protect the republic and its values ​​and ensure that its promises of equality and liberation are honored.”

A carrot and stick approach was suggested in the fight against “radical Islamism” and terrorism: local authorities will be given extra legal power to fight extremism while money will be invested in education – especially in Islamic culture and culture – and dealing with others, including housing and poverty. Problems.

“Our challenge is to fight those who run the railways in the name of religion … while protecting those who believe in Islam and are full citizens of the republic.”

His speech on Friday was a detailed outline of the next steps, which he said would be prepared in the next two weeks for legislation to be introduced in December.

The move includes more control over mosques and the training and certification of imams in France. He said his aim was to “free French Islam from foreign influences”, especially funding. Islamic organizations that receive funding from the French state must sign a “secular charter.”

Organizations that suppress ideas contrary to republican ideals may be ordered to disband, and m 10 million (more than just 9 million) of public funds will be used to finance higher education studies and research in Islamic culture and culture.

“The country has been a victim of Islamic terrorism since 2014 and we have become increasingly resilient to this threat,” he said.

Radical Islamism was prepared to “violate the laws of the republic, to promote other values ​​… to organize another society.”

However, he acknowledged that France’s colonial past had helped create problems for the country.

“We have created separatism in some of our areas. We have a population of the same origin, the same religion. This created “economic and educational difficulties.”

Macron announced additional funding to the country’s education and justice ministries to “ensure the presence of the republic in every road, in every building.”

He said education is the key to these steps and from September next year children will have to go to school at the age of three. Home school education should be limited.

He said Macron would take new steps in the coming weeks to address other social issues, including housing, as “profound change” was needed. “We can’t keep adding poverty to poverty.”