MacGyver’s Lucas Till claims fired showrunner made him “suicidal”

Lucas Till has alleged that ex MacGyver Showrunner Peter Lenkov left him at the “breaking point”.

Earlier this month, CBS fired Lenkov after claims that the producer created a toxic work environment on shows that include MacGyver and Hawaii Five-0.

Now, MacGyver Star Till, who plays the lead role in the reboot of the classic CBS series, accused Lenkov of verbal abuse, intimidation, and bodily shame, which he said left him feeling “suicidal” during his first year on the show. .

Lenkov has flatly denied the claims.

Peter Lenkov

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“I’ve never worked so hard in my life, and I’m fine with hard work,” said Till. Vanity Fair.

“But the way Peter treats people is just unacceptable. I had suicide that first year on the show, because of the way it made me feel.”

“But the way he has treated the people around me is my breaking point.”

lucas hasta macgyver


In an email Till wrote to the CBS human resources department, he also said, “There was always something about my appearance that would not please him, like when I was in a hospital gown and our producer … I thought it was funny that [Lenkov] I said my legs were “fucking horrible” and that we can never show them again.

“Honestly, I also found some humor in that comment, but you can imagine if that was a more sensitive point that he had hit, and he often did. Just like when he screamed [a director] ‘Oh my god damn it! He tucks in his shirt and he looks like a little boy.

“Just hire a 35-year-old boy.”

Beverly Hills, CA August 10, Executive Producer Peter Lenkov and Actress Tristin Mays speak on stage at the Macgyver Discussion Panel during the CBS Part of the 2016 Television Critics Association Summer Tour at the Beverly Hotel hilton on august 10, 2016 in beverly hills, california photo by frederick m browngetty images

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In a statement provided by one of his lawyers, Lenkov denied the allegations of abuse and bodily shame as “100 percent false and untrue.”

He also said that Lenkov “has defended [Till] from the beginning and it has only been his support. “

We encourage anyone who identifies with the issues raised in this article to communicate. Organizations that can offer support include Samaritans at 116 123 ( or Mind on 0300 123 3393 ( Readers in the United States are encouraged to visit or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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