LSU’s head football coach announces most of his team’s ‘Covid-19’

Ed Orghero confirmed his news conference on Tuesday, confirming that 105 or three of the team’s players are currently out of the virus, but the overall ruling national championship team is “very healthy.”

However, in a later interview, while sharing how the team would have to make adjustments due to the virus, he shared more information.

“I think most uh … not all of our players but most of our players have caught it, so I hope they don’t catch it again and hope they don’t take part in the games.”

A reporter asked for clarification, but did not give Orgero a specific number.

“I won’t tell everyone, but some players have caught it,” he said.

“I don’t know the percentage. Hopefully once you catch it, you won’t get it again. I’m not a doctor. I think they have a 90-day window, so most players have caught it. We think That they will qualify for the games. “

L.S.U. Athletics Sports did not respond to a request for clarification on Orjeron’s comments, especially the number behind the word “most.”

LSU opens its season on September 26 with the remaining conference, which is against the state of Mississippi.

Update: An earlier version of this article had the first S.E.C. Gave the wrong date for the games. It’s September 26th.
