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Love Is Blind stars Mark Cuevas and Lauren “LC” Chamblin broke up after cheating rumors appeared on Reddit, and Lauren even commented on the post thanking the person for “saving me the energy of dating another liar.”
Mark and Lauren weren’t a couple on the show, but they got together after the end of production and have reportedly been dating ever since, a source told ET. Over the weekend, a thread appeared on Reddit started by a user saying, “My close friend’s co-worker is dating Mark!” A few days later Lauren commented on the thread saying;
“This is awkward because I live in Atlanta and have been dating Mark since the beginning of May … 🤔😤 Oh, by the way, this is Love is Blind’s LC. Feel free to email me on Instagram if you want more Information! But I definitely broke it off with Mark, so I really appreciate you posting this and saving me the energy to date another liar. 🙃🙌🏼 “
During the show, Mark teamed up with Jessica Batten, and the couple even got engaged at one point. But the relationship didn’t go that far with Mark and Jessica breaking up during the show.
The source who spoke to ET about the couple said of the relationship: “It was never serious, but LC saw photos of him with another woman during a trip and felt betrayed.”
Since the allegations came to light, Cuevas’ ex-fiancee, Jessica Batten, has also spoken about the cheating against him. The Instagram account, Comments By Celebs, picked up an exchange between Jessica and an Instagram user who claimed, “Mark was sleeping with MULTIPLE women in the studio she trained during the show. Perhaps she will show those interviews with her workers the next time @ Netflix. “
Jessica commented on the post saying, “Wow. News to me, I only know one.”
Eek, what a mess.
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