Logitech has announced a wireless version of its Pro X 2019 gaming headset called Pro X Lightspeed. It’s almost identical to the corded version, complete with the same aluminum and steel design, but there are a few key differences. Wireless connection is not even the biggest advantage; it’s actually USB-C charging. You can’t think of other wireless gaming headsets that charge via USB-C, so the Pro X Lightspeed is unique in this regard.
The other benefit, of course, is being wireless. Audio and chat are delivered via its included 2.4GHz USB Type-A wireless receiver, and Logitech claims the headphones can stay connected up to 13 meters away, if for any reason it’s 42 feet away from your PC or game console.
Like the wired Pro X, Logitech includes a set of velvet-covered foam pads with this new model that can be put on if the pre-installed leather pads don’t do it for you. And similar to my colleague Nick Statt’s impressions with the wired version linked above, I found that the overall fit of Pro X Lightspeed is tighter than I prefer. Sometimes I like to put a hearing aid out of my ear so I can hear what’s going on in my department, but that quickly proved too painful to continue.
Another area where the Pro X Lightspeed differs is with its buttons. It has a dedicated mute button for the microphone, as well as a rubber volume knob near the removable microphone on the left cup. The Corded Pro X also has these features, though they are in the cable instead.
Since most of the changes and improvements over the $ 129.99 wired version seem incremental, its $ 199.99 price tag is a bit shocking. Logitech may be putting a premium on its headphones since it has USB-C charging, or simply because its Lightspeed-branded products generally have a huge premium over the wired version. Either way, you can definitely find cheaper wireless headphones that offer similar levels of performance and battery life. However, that comes at the expense of Logitech’s impressive software features and USB-C charging.