Logitech announced the Folio Touch, a new keyboard case for the 11-inch iPad Pro model (2018 and 2020 versions). It is a more affordable alternative to Apple’s Magic Keyboard and is similar to the Logitech Combo Touch for older iPad models.
The case features a foldable keyboard with a full row of shortcut keys for iPadOS, noticeably missing from the Magic Keyboard. The keys are backlit and adjust their brightness based on ambient lighting. The Folio also includes a touchpad, which supports multi-finger gestures, including swiping, scrolling, pinching, and double tapping.
The kickstand is adjustable, tiltable up to 40 degrees, and can fold the keyboard behind the back of the iPad (something you can’t do with the Magic Keyboard). You can use a connected iPad in four modes, depending on the angle of the iPad and keyboard location: type, view, draw, and read.
The Folio Touch connects to the iPad Pro through the Apple Smart Connector, which is integrated into the side of the tablet. That means the two devices will automatically pair (no need to play with Bluetooth), and you won’t need to charge the Folio separately as it draws power from the iPad.
The Folio Touch will be available sometime in July 2020 for $ 160. You can get it from Logitech and Apple.
For more information on Logitech keyboards, check out our Combo Touch Review for 10.2-inch iPad, 3rd Generation iPad Air, and 10.5-inch iPad Pro.