Liz Cheney and the Republican Fight in the Private Chamber anticipates the possible post-Trump debate of the party

After returning to Washington, DC, this week, some of Trump’s loudest supporters in Congress attacked Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, upset that she broke up with the President on a number of issues and supported Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, during the coronavirus pandemic. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who has used his party’s leadership while seeking to supplant them, led part of the discussion, according to anonymous sources to describe a private meeting.

A handful of House firefighters criticized the Wyoming congresswoman for supporting the main Republican opponent of Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, who had sparked Trump’s anger in the spring by forcing House members to return to Capitol Hill to vote a stimulus bill in the middle of the outbreak. Jordan listed the areas in which Cheney disagreed with Trump, including his resistance to the president’s plan to withdraw troops in Germany and Afghanistan. And Texas Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, faced with a harsh re-election, beat Cheney for supporting Fauci and complained that his Democratic opponent had retweeted some of Cheney’s tweets. After the meeting, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida called on her to “resign or be removed” from her leadership position.

In an interview with CNN’s Brianna Keilar, Roy said the questions related to the meeting involve “a lot of palace intrigue about what is being said in Washington,” calling Cheney a “friend” and making it clear that he is not asking her to resign. . . The Texas congressman said he raised at the meeting that the country needs to raise up other trusted public health experts in addition to Fauci, including those who argue against the strategy of closing the country.

In an interview on Fox News, Cheney said Wednesday that he votes with Trump almost all the time, and when he disagrees with him, he is usually in favor of a more aggressive stance on foreign policy. She said she was in a “good place” with Massie, who won her primary, after her “nice and long conversation” yesterday. Cheney also turned her gaze to the Democrats.

“Yesterday’s conference meeting opened and focused on what the United States will look like if Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi run this country, and how important it is that we all stand together against that,” Cheney said.

“Regardless of whether we have internal debates and discussions, as I am sure we will continue to do, we will be absolutely united in the future on the big issues,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere”.
