Zuokienė, who worked with coronavirus, calls for urgent action: reduce lessons to 30 minutes, take the elderly to hotels


“Since I have listened to all the World Health Organization (WHO) press conferences and special discussions among the world’s best experts, I will make some suggestions, those that I have not heard discussions or warnings about in Lithuania. Not everyone can be acceptable to us, but let us evaluate ourselves, “wrote A. Zuokienė on Facebook.

A politician is not a fan of distance education. In their opinion, everything should be done to make them work.

“As you know, one of the reasons for distance education is that children will bring the infection home to their grandparents or other home-cared patients. Therefore, if there are school-age children in the home, it is recommended that children states to find ways and means to temporarily relocate seniors living together in hotels and prepare additional beds for the elderly in vacant district hospitals and move sick patients home. It is also proposed to shorten the lessons to 30 minutes, organize training in 2 shifts, providing breaks at different times. The solutions are. All you have to do is want to implement them, “said A. Zuokienė.

He also devoted a separate section to current affairs related to the spread of the virus among choir singers.

“In events and rehearsals, where singing is recommended, special attention is paid to safety measures. Also in music schools, it is suggested to install a glass between the teacher and the singing students. In addition, the experts constantly repeat that there should be the least amount of loud yelling or talking in the facility, as this increases the risk of infection, ”wrote A. Zuokienė.

The politician calls for the creation of special teams to visit patients with coronavirus treated at home.

First, it gives patients a sense of security (even if they don’t feel symptoms), and second, the team can provide help (install a drip, train in the use of oxygen concentrators), perform serological tests, or PCR and transport the patient to the hospital on time. I cannot understand why there are still no such teams in Lithuania. It’s very simple: just take and write the examples from the Netherlands, Slovenia, Israel, Australia, which the World Health Organization presents as examples, ”said A. Zuokienė.

According to her, a register of nurses and their assistants should also be created immediately.

“I have long been ashamed of how the work of secondary medical personnel in Lithuania has been underestimated. The whole world is praying for them because their mission during a pandemic is paramount. Ireland has been in place since March. It constantly mobilizes a group of nurses and aides. nursing homes, in Spain nursing homes already employ people even without special training. Meanwhile, we have thousands of people who have qualified as nursing assistants but are not working in this job. We also have hundreds of nurses and assistants who have returned to Lithuania due to quarantine and they will be happy to work here if there is a need and a reward. Maybe we are already trying to do all possible registration of nurses and nursing assistants, and not when the chimneys reappear in medical institutions, the entire team will be sent to self-isolation and there will be no one to work, ”wrote A. Zuokienė.

He also pointed to WHO data that based on six-month COVID-19 related deaths, the global average is 40%. deaths were due to focal nursing hospitals.

“Lithuania is no exception, where chimneys have been formed in Antaviliai, Klaipėda hospital, Kartena and various hospitals. When all staff are evicted for quarantine after the approach is established, the institution with the patients is left to chance. We had time to learn, but we did not put together special teams for such cases, although practically all countries did.

As can be seen from the reports of many countries, the armed forces are prepared for special cases. The same reports show that the entire world paid close attention this summer to training soldiers on how to provide assistance and how to work as a team with medics. In Austria, for example, this summer, ex-military personnel were trained, updating their knowledge and registering with the Emergency Response Reserve. Possibly we did, just me, I didn’t find out, “said A. Zuokienė.

Speaking of good practices, the politician pointed out that in Italy, hospitalized workers are grouped into home help groups. In Germany, all patient visits are registered, in India, medical and social workers receive free food, and in Jamaica, mobile teams of cleaners gather to clean only COVID-19 facilities.

In addition, many countries have developed special recommendations on the mental health of isolated people, especially if people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. they have to stay in solitary confinement for a long time. Recommendations prepared in the UK and specially trained ‘post trauma’ teams to help people return to normal life, ”wrote A. Zuokienė.

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