Zigmas VAIŠVILA: Has Sąjūdis already been crucified? – Respublika.lt


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1988 On November 25, Vytautas Landsbergis was elected Chairman of the Seimas Council of the Lithuanian Restructuring Movement. Until 1989 June 3 Editorial File Photo

1988 On November 25, 2006, we elected Vytautas Landsbergis as Chairman of the Seimas Council of the Lithuanian Restructuring Movement. Until 1989 June 3. This is confirmed by the notes from Zigmas Vaišvila’s meeting that day (see photo).

However, V. Landsbergis was unable to hand over these duties to Romualdas Ozolas at the time agreed between us, the members of the Council of Sąjūdis Seimas. It was very busy: in May 1989 we were preparing for the first Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR in Moscow. A week before the end of this period, V. Landsbergis also announced the news to us: it is necessary to verify the financial management of the weekend “Atgimimo” directed by R. Ozols.

So we dive deeper and deeper. We were learning to be politicians without realizing it ourselves.

1990 V. Landsbergis, who was elected president of the twelfth convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic after the restoration of Lithuanian independence on March 11, was no longer reluctant. During the global uprising, he organized his own game of chess, paying no attention to his teammates either. And we still never had time to stop it. Tensions and concerns were not lacking, and the team of comrades had changed.

1990 The second Lithuanian restructuring Sąjūdis congress, which took place from April 21-22, not only changed the name of the Sąjūdis. After the withdrawal of the precursors of the Sąjūdis, the Lithuanian Sąjūdis became an organization increasingly in the service of V. Landsbergis.

And then we trusted in 1991. On January 13 we received international recognition from Lithuania.

The quest for glory overshadowed everything. 1992 Landsberg decided to be our president with great powers. However, the people told her in a referendum – NO, and in 1992. on October 25, she did not adopt the Constitution proposed by her, but the compromise proposed by the majority. At the peak of fame, she also turned away from him in the parliamentary elections and turned to Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas.

What’s left for Landsberg? The revenge of his “incomprehensible” nation, renamed, shoots up.

Can V. Landsbergis be called the Lithuanian Maximilian Robespierre, who served as a lawyer before the Great French Revolution and served the nobles as a lawyer, and when he was elected a member of the General Class, he began to defend the interests of the people? In 1793, under the leadership of the Public Rescue Committee, Robespierre called on the people to fight against the national and foreign counterrevolution, becoming the leader of the Jacobin dictatorship. The Jacobins, in an attempt to strengthen their power, passed a law that hardened terror. And he bent the stick, and the people rebelled. 1794 On July 27, Robespierre and 21 Jacobin supporters were imprisoned and guillotined the next day without trial.

The march of the “cross” of V.Landsbergis against the nation is not over yet.

But whose strongest backbone is your nation? Scattered, but nations!

After written

Today I called Stanislovas Jokubauskas, a Sąjūdis, my assistant to the twelfth convocation of the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR, assistant to the town of Venta, Akmenė district. On February 24, 1990, the voters of Sales Constituency No. 78 entrusted me with a mandate for the Restoration of Independence.

Stanislaus’s health is not the best anymore, so we don’t talk much.

A few hours later, Stanislaw calls me. Today, on the morning of Sąjūdis day, the greatest joy of the rest of his life, his granddaughter Gabija, died in an accident in England. He really wanted to cheer on his grandfather with this year’s Cambridge University diploma …
